Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Creative Open Doors Aren't Cheap

One of the things that I love about a Montessori classroom (and I haven't even been certified yet!), is that you can be so creative with it. From time to time, I wander around the classrooms at my school and pick through all of the interesting things teachers have made, purchased, borrowed, created in order to inspire a child's own motivation. One of my favorites is Ali, a wonderful Russian friend of mine who opened the first International class at our school. She finds these amazing little doll sets that children can use for matching activities, she incorporates these beautiful magnets with traditional Chinese art paintings which children can use for inspiration, and she has all kinds of great practical life works set out -- from beads to cloth washing work, and so much more. She's a fabulous teacher, and I'm so lucky to have her supporting me from the get-go.

This open door creative policy, however, can be a littler overwhelming. At times you find yourself peering through the cricks of a grocery store, poring over every little piece wondering if you might be able to use it for your classroom. Like today. I went to buy some ingredients for dinner, just a few quick things, and I walked out with this.

I'm hoping to use this wonderful little heart ice-cube tray over Valentines Day -- which is, yes, nearly 8 months away. Planning ahead much? I think it'll make a great Practical Life activity, maybe tonging small pom-poms in the work, or perhaps some kind of water work.

I just loved these! They're so colorful. I'm just getting into the whole cooking thing (Thank you Masterchef TV). I find that all the kitchen utensil fas can be either overwhelming, or boring. So I bought these. Kids can use them for so many different things - of course, for cooking purposes, but also for measuring all different kinds of mediums. Then we can do contrasts and comparisons, maybe some graphing, maybe some play-dough making....I'm getting ahead of myself, again.

So this is what it's like. I both love it and hate it, because where I once used to be the fastest one in and out, I'm now the one lingering, the one everyone's shouting at and waiting for...

I'm just hoping this will make me the best Montessori teacher I can be :).

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