Montessori changes, in every way. In one of her articles, Marlene captured this in a completely eloquent phrase: "Diversity of practices, essence of Montessori". A Montessori school in South Korea will be much different from a Montessori school in New York City. A Montessori school in Kenya will be much different from a Montessori school in Brazil. And a Montessori school in France will be much different from a Montessori school in China. Each country has their own culture, and this will be infused into the Montessori classroom. The units we teach will reflect the practices we have in each culture -- perhaps a tea ceremony wouldn't be found in schools in the U.S, but it's common here in Beijing as tea ceremonies are a natural part of Chinese culture.
But the one thing that does connect all of these schools is the philosophy of Maria Montessori. That children love work, that childhood is independent of adulthood, that children must be given opportunities for real life experience, for independence and adaptability. In our own ways, according to our own cultures, we are each passing on this same message to the next generation. This global message is so beautiful.
Today, Marlene took us to visit a really fantastic Montessori school built up by one of her students from NYC, Yinnan. She has set it up in an apartment, and it really just goes to show you what you can do with a space if you have the passion and the dream. I was so impressed, and can only imagine the kind of creative innovation and work that goes on with the children there.
AnRic Little Montessori Room
Practical Life Shelves -- So bright.
The reading room -- Beautiful natural light source.
Art shelves.
Language materials.
Geography Lessons.
Classroom rabbits live peacefully here.
Sensorial area.
Dramatic role-play area, complete with a toy baby.
Beautiful sand/water table, this time incorporating sponges.
Metal inset work for refinement of small motor skills in hand.
Note the beautiful drawings of how to hold a pencil at the back of the table.
The amazing gymnasium at the back of the school!
If you're in Beijing, I highly suggest this school for your child. Yinnan seems like a fantastic teacher, and she has such a great setup in the school. I was so impressed.
School website:
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